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Our instructors are drawn from a wealth of talented teachers, including nationally known artists from across the country and across the street. They are innovative craftsmen and artists who enjoy trying new techniques and love sharing what they do with their students.

If you are an experienced art, craft, writing, or performing arts instructor and are interested in teaching at Shake Rag Alley, click here for more information.

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Denise Anton Wright

Photo of Denise Anton Wright

Denise Anton Wright has made three really good decisions in her life: becoming a librarian, marrying her husband, and dabbling in jewelry-making. Since retiring from Library Land in 2015, Denise spends her days creating, taking care of two high-maintenance cats, and watching lots of classic old movies while working on jewelry projects. Her growth as an artist and creator has been helped immeasurably by the wonderful classes that she’s taken at Shake Rag Alley (a big shout-out to Lorraine Reynolds). Her jewelry business is Salve Regina Tchotchkes; the name is a combination of Latin and Yiddish and can be very roughly translated as: shiny objects with no practical purpose for our Heavenly Queen.

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Messy Memory Wire Bracelet