
Sep 15 - 17 2023


All Day

The Second Half of Life: A Creative Retreat for a Time of Deep Change

The second half of life is not defined by a particular age, rather it begins in a moment brought about by life-changing circumstances – when we consider who we are apart from occupations, daily duties, and our past. Psychologist James Hollis writes the second half of life is a time of deep change; when people, “for whatever reason – the death of a partner, end of a marriage, illness, retirement, whatever – are obliged to radically consider who they are apart from their history, their roles, and their commitments.” Through writing, discussion, creative play, and mindfulness exercises we’ll create our unique paths to the second half of life. Join us for this exploration during which we’ll gently uncover the transformative possibilities of deep change. Time to share written or other creative work is available, but never required!