
Mar 05 2022


9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Pathways to Publication

Literary magazines. Contests. Anthologies. All are eager to receive and consider your work. Learn how to submit poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, memoir, graphic narrative, hybrid/experimental, and excerpts of longer works for publication. Make this the year you break into print and share your work!

We’ll spend the morning exploring markets and opportunities. Over lunch we’ll examine dozens of print magazines and journals. In the afternoon, we’ll walk through the submission process, including bios and cover letters. Each session offers ample time for Q&A and a bounty of take-home handouts.

Spend the night in Mineral Point and take advantage of a one-on-one manuscript consultation the following day. Submit up to 20 pages one week prior to the class and schedule your consultation to receive feedback on the work and suggested markets for publication.