
Aug 27 - 28 2022


9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Art Adventure Retreat: Abstract Painting with Oil and Cold Wax

Come and explore a new medium! Wax has a long and esteemed history in art and writing. Wax tablets were used with writing as early as the 7th century B.C. Today, wax has evolved into a translucent medium that is mixed with oil paints. Cold wax can be worked into a textural surface as well as making an ideal surface for carving marks. It is also possible to encapsulate and suspend collage elements within this medium. Often used abstractly, carving patterns and making marks in the wax is used widely by the abstract artists who work with oil paint and cold wax medium.

This workshop is part of the Art Adventure Mixed-Media Retreat, August 25-28, 2022